Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The story

Hope was 14 years old when her uncle raped her.
"He trapped me to the ground and covered my mouth with his hand," said the 18-year-old from Zimbabwe. "He threatened to kill me if I ever told anybody."  So, she kept quiet.

Betty Makoni, a CNN Hero nominee for her work with child victims of rape in Zimbabwe. Many people in Zimbabwe believe that having sex with a virgin will help to cure them of HIV. This has led to an explosion in the number of children being raped. Betty has helped to rescue over 35,000 child victims of rape. Vote for her. go to: Betty Makoni's story of rape & healing


  1. “I was dumbfounded reading this story and looking at her face in the video was quite a shock to the stories I hold. How can we work through the structures that support this kind of reasoning? Who can create the ceremonies, the rituals, the weapon, perhaps, that will jar the consciousness that is holding this body of belief intact? Obviously, religion is helpless. Do we need to employ people from another galaxy to do this work?
    The fact that traditional healers in Zimbabwe started the myth of a virgin cure of AIDS is a gross insult to the creative process of Life itself, and an assault to the beings that control and design rituals and ceremonies.” ~Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories

  2. far does the contradictions of the ADAM & EVE story have to travel before we embrace the obvious, and cast the story into a dark pit, and restore the true creation stories our ancestors once knew so well.
