Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Evangelist Oral Roberts dies in Calif. at age 91

Evangelist Oral Roberts dies in Calif. at age 91 and I read some angry, biting diatribes against him.  Some came out and said, "I am glad he is dead."  Others expressed themselves thus, "I'm sure he died in poverty...no...wait...that was the people who gave him their entire life savings so he could wear $500 suits and fly on private jets."

"Good riddance, Oral. May you be bilked of your savings in your own personal Hell."

"I've learned one thing from Oral (what a stupid name) Roberts. If you cannot become a rock star, start your own religion. Based on the fact that a sucker is born every minute, you are likely to become rich."

 "It's sad to see all of the haters spew like this.....as a kid from a broken disfunctional home I remember seeing Roberts say "god loves you" and "something good is going to happen to you" and it eased my yound pain filled heart,....he was a decent man with a mission and got smeared by God haters in the press,...do I think he was perfect? hell no,..no one is,...but he was a good man that helped a troubled kid by having a t.v. show telling people there was a God that loved him,....R.I.P. Mr Roberts and thank you for the good that you did in my life..."

"I used to get a real kick in the ass as a kid out of watching Oral Robert's Jim & Tammy Fay Baker and Jimmy Swaggert every Sunday morning, raising hell and then with a blink of the eye be crying and sobbing all over the place. Can't wait to see the looks on their faces come judgement day when the real waterworks show happens!"

"If you love Jesus, if you love God you will give me money and I will pray for you with a special prayer that I will say for you on TV, in front of the whole world. As long as the money train keeps running. And I am here today to say that Jesus wants you to send your money to me, so I can stay on TV so keep on sending me those dollars. So I can drive my Rolls Royce,live in a mansion, own my jet, go on vacation, eat steak and lobster while you eat top ramen. Wear $1000.00 suits, have affairs and all the while tell you how to live a life closer to God. So much for organised religion."

 And this one from a body called, Jack: "As a Satanist, I don't believe in the man's message he spread, nor do I believe in his God, and I damn sure don't agree with him ripping off those who believed in such BS. However, I'm not exactly fond of people making jokes about him dying. He may have been a scam artist, but its not as if he was Bundy or Dahmer either."

photo: Oral Roberts praying with Pastors Joel and Victoria Osteen

1 comment:

  1. Having lived in Oklahoma and visited both his church and the University ospital he founded and built with the money he raised through his TV and other appearances, I respect him a lot. He also promoted the teaching of skills for life through his college, and the built a praer tower in the college grounds where volunteers manned phones 24/7 to listen to and pray with callers struggling with all kinds of problems .
    It's easy to sit in your armchair doing nothing for anybody and hating anyone who tries to do something possitive. How about trying to do something good with all that energy?
