Friday, December 25, 2009


true Dawn
I challenge you to continue to deepen your commitment to the solution as not only a keeper of stories but as a torchbearer. What you know and your insights inspire people to think and contemplate. I need your assistance in spreading the message of light. I think a great part of the solution is Kujichagalia. We must redefine ourselves and understand our true nature. One heart at a time. I ask you to put your considerable talents and logic to finding out how we can disseminate this information to the most receptive way.

Because of the incidents in my journey from hearing heavenly music at 17 and praying that It would stop, to studying Buddhism and meeting His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Ching Hai and going to Brazil and receiving the Violet Flame and even meeting you playing with Kenny. Each event was a trigger to awaken me to my true identity and start an unstoppable search to return home.

But first things first. What is common in all the modalities are prayer, meditation and decrees. Whether it is the Adhan in Islam, the mantras and dictations in Buddhism, or the calls/decrees of the Ascended Masters. The foundation is that we must remember our true nature the I AM Presence; some call it the Christ Presence or Christ Consciousness, and enlightenment. I Am a little hesitant to call it the Christ Presence because it takes a religious overtone that in some cases is unavoidable.

We have a supreme opportunity because you/we have received knowledge that has never been readily available in such a "simplistic" form. So we must take every opportunity to spread the knowledge of light and sound. You do this already thru your words and actions. Your drumming, your teaching. We have to begin to include questions as to who we are. For this will start the dialogue with people. It also awakens the God presence to the recognition of itself in the lower bodies.

Thus we begin to finally overcome our addiction and captiveness to our feeling body. Every time we acknowledge through prayer, devotion, calls and songs the I Am Presence our connection is strengthened. We receive more light. Then as the channel is further strengthened and purified. It is a continuous effect until the Ascension occurs. Even before the Ascension occurs the karma we currently have is lessened or transmuted to such a degree that we no longer have any problems manifesting prosperity.

We must still be attentive to details but we will have spun our lower bodies to such a vibration that the Electronic body of the I Am presence is now supremely in charge. Manifestation or precipitation is the least difficult of our abilities we acquire along the way. Healing, the gift of speaking, the gift of the ability to move our various bodies huge distances without physical transport are other gifts that also come.

enough I Breathe, Peace Atiba

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