Thursday, March 4, 2010


My vision

I was given this yesterday as I sat down to say I am Seneca in reply to an e-mail from someone. Since I did not write it and didn't know what was said until I read it myself, though it came through me. I give it to all mankind. What is said here because of Wallace Black Elks prophecy has to start at the Great Medicine Wheel in the Black Hills. I will be there to start it next June 21st. Beyond that i do not know. I saw that wheel in vision when I was 11. I saw a old man in a chair that moved by itself come to that wheel. I thought the man was my father because it looked like him but older. I tried to interest him in bringing the people together and speaking to the women of every tribe as in my vision, without success. Only after obtaining my own power wheel chair last winter, to help me with my mobility issues did I realize the man I saw was me. I will because I was directed to go and speak to the women of all the tribes starting there in the medicine wheel or the heart of the world in Lakota tradition. Please share the enclosure with everyone you know. Please ask that the tree of Peace be replanted next to the Great Circle. Please do what you can to make the prophecy and the hope of peace in all the world real. Such has to happen for the new world to begin. I don't care who gets credit, it's not me that is doing this, just pass it to everyone you know.

actress, Gabrielle Union

turtle island

This is my nation and country. I don't see any lines drawn on it. Nor do I see any illegals in it other then the ones who stole it from me. Illegals are the ones who rape it for timber, uranium, gold, silver, iron, oil and such that is not wearable, edible or provides shelter and medicine. Illegals are the ones who develop not because of need but to enrich them self at our expense. Illegals are the ones who demand we give them our wampum in exchange for nothing. Illegals are those who say go and fight in this war or that without reason. Let each people live in harmony with each other and let them trade for what they need without borders. Let them learn from each other, that misunderstanding and war will be no more. Let none go hungry, none go without shelter and none go without the opportunity to learn and contribute to the greater good. Let each have a place where they can grow food for them self and their neighbors. Let each then share in the bounty provided by Grandmother Earth. Each to their needs without greed. This I will work for, this I will give my life for, and no less will I accept. There is no difference between a black woman or a white baby or a yellow man nor a red person, that was taught to me by the elders. All are two legged animals no better then our brother the deer or our sister the wolf. Take only what you need and give thanks to it for filling your needs. Let each live the life of their choice as long as they do no harm to others.

Bob Smith “Big Tree” 10/11/09  whitewolfearth

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