Tuesday, April 20, 2010


"...approaching eldership is a deep movement of one's spirit." -Dawn Wolf

"Me pakeke haere au ki te taumata o toku kuikuiatanga i te waenga nui o oku whanaunga ki tua. Whakawhetai a tena teiteitanga kua tae te wa o kui me koro ma me nga makawe ma. Maturing inner BEauty is ageless, timeless. My examples in the Hearts of my Elders show me BEauty everyoung. Tensionless. Inwardly calm and fearless. My Whanau Kinship holds me and the generations unfolding give me constant hope and focus of renewals faces. Yes, all life journeys bring their own deepening. Their own inner tides of life. Spirit Songs are finding me more easily though music has been a deep part of my Whanau and Tribalz ceremonial since I was born. Everyone is musical and plays musical instruments. We all sing Traditional and contemporary. We call this Pakeketanga ...deepening Lifetouch of the Collective.

We have many names and positions in which this occurs throughout the life cycle, many are not biologically anchored and are instead Spiritually laid out. Thank you for invoking these reflections Chiefly Brother. Within this Tribalz times we are given more Leadership roles and responsibilities for supporting and guiding balance, harmony and many of the life principles which weave a Peoples together in Lifeforce WellBEing. Mauri ora!" -Mereana Taki

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