Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mereana Taki teaching: Social work

What is Social Work?

Language can bastardize Truth
the Tale of Social Work is proof
Running scams for the State 
there is endless debate
while Children are re-abused
while Parents without fault are excused
from the Care of their Loved ones
on trumped up charges for State funds
its a wholesale racket of thugs
more lethal than street peddling thugs
using the morally corrupt pen and paper
and the Spiritually bereft 'see you later'

Entire Families are destroyed
so Social Workers can remain 'employed'
in a global corpus of Human trafficking
its an abomination of Life, of Everything
When Children are killed
so their Technocratic jobs are filled
When Children are bashed and broken
so that the Economic corruption stays open.
America you are killing your future
DENIAL won't close this wound with sutures.

Social Work began in the Minds of Men
perhaps this is where it must also end.
There is a paradigm shift of major import
from Social Worker to Unjust Kleptocratic court.
Look deeply and listen well
or you may lose your children
to State Sector Kiss and Tell.
It runs deep the American dis ease
Removal of your children, for fees.
Back handers and kick backs exist
Its twisted and dirty wherever it sits.
Families smashed and shredded are grieving
these are the Spiritual injuries Social Work
is leaving.

What a legacy that Social Work claims
while all this time it wrecklessly maims.
There will always be exceptions to this rule
though History tells us not to be fooled.

-Mereana Taki


  1. wow who would have thought

  2. such a wise person

  3. Yes. IT is a frightening truth, a story about our custom of killing our grandchildren to feed our chldren.
