Saturday, June 19, 2010

Indian reservations on both U.S. borders become drug pipelines 3

"I've been fortunate to have traveled many places to develop a basic understanding, which really becomes complex when you include all of the First Nations. The situations that compel Native people to engage in such commerce cannot simply be explained or rationalize solely from a european perspective. Speaking for myself, I would characterize that the experiment of greed called America needs to come to an end. Just as an alcoholic in arrogant denial needs to hit bottom to realize what they have wasted.

When I say America, I refer to a government focused upon control and greed. When I hear someone say tribal leaders, I automatically assume they are talking about those created by the government, not the traditional leaders. The ability to truly govern, as our inherent right, is greatly compromised to the extent that these so-called tribal leaders, despite their intentions often concedes to the dictates of the government. There is a serious degree of misunderstanding that we have no reason to not partake of the "American Pie". Yes, we can assimilate, and many have to the extent they have bought into the genocidal mentality that we all should be Americans. However, as Winona LaDuke so simply stated, "We don't want a piece of the same pie. We want a different Pie!"

That is a voice of one who has not accepted her status as being conquered, and it echo's the voice's of many, including myself. Until a majority of the public awaken from their complacency and political apathy, and we as First nation can begin to manifest ourselves in solidarity, we are still a ways off from achieving any sense of equality. Our only source of empowerment is through our prayers for balance to be restored. We cannot allow the sea of negativity that surrounds us to become our anchors. We have to keep moving forward." - Ben Carnes

Mohawk traditional village

"When I spoke of the Mohawk Tribal Government I meant the one that partly represents the interests of the nation but also represents the federal government as an arm of their law enforcement and also gave up a lot of sovereignty in exchange for a casino in Akwesasne that does not bring in lots of money for the tribe. I have a long association with the Mohawk people that spans about 40 years. I once participated in a longhouse tobacco ceremony at Racketts point in Akwesasne and I was at OKA. I have many longtime friends there and probably know more about what is going on more than most any other non-Mohawk. I have friends who I know are good men but the fact that pot coming in from Canada is, once it is smuggled across the border sold for huge amounts of money in NYC and elsewhere tempted lots of people who because of the geographical location of the nation found out they could make thousands of dollars for a nights work. They are good men and should not be in prison. I hope you will not think I don't know what I am talking about and I love the Mohawk people and would gladly die to help them if it came to it." - John Penley
"I suspected that you did since you are in NY state and your political views indicates that you would be somewhat familiar. My point was more to many others who feel that only the government created tribal councils system are "legitimate" extensions of the First nations, when they are in actuality an extension of the US government. I often have debates with my own people who tell me that I am an American when to do so is a form of self-deception to my beliefs. I also adhere to the spirit of free will in which people will have to make up their own mind. That is all that I have ever done, even when I was a spokesperson for Leonard Peltier. The FBI has accused me of deceiving the public, when I only tell them the facts of the case and quite often, if not consistently, encourage them to check out the facts for themselves.

I'm sure that we sure some of the same friends from Akwesasne, and possibly a few other places. I've shared my experiences with many others in my travels about the confederacy and the Great Law as a means of rebuilding our nations that have been crippled by the governments policies from treaty making to acts of congress.

The process of assimilation has altered us from our perceptions of other humans as relatives, to one of nationalism, has resulted in an indoctrination to where we call our relatives, illegal immigrants, is so repugnant to me. It is a system of divide and conquer that has been practiced for centuries and refined through many public institutions. So if a Mohawk chooses to remain home on the reservation, it is their right to remain at home and survive in the best way that he can.

The law being considered to add 10 more years in prison, is a essentially a law to punish one for being Native. Which is nothing new since we have had to deal with the code of religious offenses in the 1800's, long hair in schools and prisons to this day. So we have been engaged in a struggle to survive, and there is no law that will ever make us stop." - Ben Carnes

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