Monday, February 21, 2011


"The central Line is the Line to Creator Consciousness the Aho is very Sacred, sometimes symbolized as the Sacred Vine/Tree and many others. The two curvilinear designs represent the Family and the child within it as you see is protected. There is always symmetrical balance and harmony in the design so that masculine and feminine are always side by side as in Mother and Father God as One entity of Celestial relationships. There are notches which also have multiple associations and each of the inner lines attempt to fill the spaces and leave others empty to represent the constant interplay of tapu and Positive presence and noa as Negative absence. Tapu is symbolic of masculine energetics and Noa is symbolic of feminine energetics. They always occur together as One dynamic. In the exercise of power Tapu has within it an organising principle of tapu and noa again. In this sense tapu can be used to expand the power in a space, situation, building or it can be used to restrict entry onto such places and spaces. Noa is mostly used to 'neutralise' and make accessible, habitable again for general usage." - Ngaronoa Taki

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