Thursday, March 24, 2011

ELIZABETH TAYLOR: Intelligence to beauty

Elizabeth Taylor, as Cleopatra

ELIZABETH TAYLOR (1932 – 2011)

“Elizabeth Taylor, as Queen Cleopatra, in 1963, glorified an elitist idea Anglo-Americans needed to feel superior to the people they conquered, colonized, and subjugated to the worse of atrocities that began to swell to the surface when they destroyed the great library of Alexandria. From that act of terror the fuel to supplant themselves as the author and finisher of the knowledge Europeans received from the Black skinned Egyptians, and Nubians led up to, and was heralded within one of the greatest beauties, and talents of the 20th century. Her roles, and the jewelry she wore flaunted that history in the face of suppressed Africans in Africa, and throughout the Diaspora.

Elizabeth Taylor is all of the things she lived, and embodied; even the Goddess! She lived deeply, and America before cable TV, cell phones, the Internet was viewed and listened to differently, and I dare say, with deeper insight than today's women celebrities, many of whom, do not have the depth introspective living develops within a woman. Ms. Taylor's escapades ran parallel to my life too, and I, like every other person who read the papers, passed judgment, made comments, gawked in astonishment as her life crumbled, or rose to extraordinary heights, or raised the ire of our Puritan ethics, am affected by her death. Elizabeth Taylor’s life was a deep life in service to many, and magical to all.”

©Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

Elizabeth Taylor & Richard Burton

Elizabeth Taylor & Audrey Hepburn dancing in the 1960's

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