Tuesday, November 8, 2011

a story by Lady Hawke 3

A Mermaid's Tale

Coral gazed at the speckled bird as it winged its way across the vast ocean waters toward the distant horizon. She enjoyed watching the freedom of its movements and wondered for the hundredth time how it would feel to own the gift of flight.

She turned her attention from the bird and found a nice warm rock which was a part of the jetty that reached out into the sea. Then she settled down to take a nap.

Some time later, Coral was awakened by an insistent male voice calling from the waters. “Coral! Wake up,” the voice hissed. “Coral!”

Coral sat up abruptly to see her mate’s head just above the surface of the waters. He appeared annoyed, but she threw her head to one side defiantly, sending her long curls flying. Her own annoyance knew no bounds. How dare he follow her to the surface to continue his rant at her.

He had been ordering her about for days, demanding that she not set fin on the surface again.

“But, it’s so lovely up there, Glaucus.” She pleads for him to understand about the lovely birds and blue skies. But all he knew was the danger. She could still hear the anger of his voice as he shouted at her, “No More,” he roared. It’s not safe, Coral. You won’t go back to the surface again or else.”

His threat had set her blood to boiling, not to mention it hurt just a tad when he shouted. Glaucus had never raised his voice at her before, and she reacted blindly, turning and swimming away from him at top speed. She had no idea where she was going. She just went, spurred by her anger and the funny knot of pain she felt in her heart.

That had been two days ago. It was only natural that she made her way to her favorite spot on the surface. The beauty had calmed her frayed nerves, and she achieved a small amount of peace. Until now.

“What do you want, Glaucus?” She inquired belligerently loud as she glared at him. “Did you come to make more demands of me? Or could you not find another at whom to shout?”

Glaucus hissed again, “Not so loud, Coral. Humans are on the sand just on the other side of these rocks.”

Coral’s defiance abated a bit as she slid closer to the rocks and dipped down so as not to be seen. It was then she heard their laughter, so close it seemed they were right upon her. “Humans?” she mouthed the word at Glaucus as if it were a bad taste on her tongue.

Glaucus nodded, still solemn, as he continued to whisper. “I told you this would happen. You came so close to being captured, and you did not even know they were there. Do you know what would happen? Do you care?”

Angered once again, Coral picked up a large fancy shell and threw it. It skipped across the water right at Glaucus, and he reacted on instinct to avoid being hit diving with a loud splash beneath the gleaming sea.

Coral’s sense of satisfaction was short lived, because a human on the other side shouted to his friends, “Hey, did you guys see that?”

Coral gasped and slid as close to the rocks as she could while the sound of feet in the sand came closer.

Another human spoke up, “What is it, Chuck? What’d you see?”

Presumably Chuck replied. “Man, I think it was a mermaid.” He sounded incredulous as his feet pounded down to the surf and splashed into the water. “Didn’t you see it?” He shouted back to his friends who were just on the other side of the rock where Coral hid.

“Man, Chuck, You’re crazy.” Another human said.

And yet another piped in. “It was just a dolphin. There’s lots of ‘em out here. Come on, let’s finish the volleyball game.”

After a while, Coral heard the game resume on the other side of the natural rock wall. She only took long enough to peek over the top of her shelter to make sure the coast was clear. Then, quickly and quietly, she made her way to the water and slipped in.

She swam toward the same horizon the bird had chased earlier, and when she was too far out to be seen, she resurfaced, wondering what had happened to Glaucus. Soon, she knew, as his head popped above the surface.

He looked at her and she saw his concern etched clearly in his face. “I was frightened they had you,” he said, all his anger gone.

A gull called out from above, and Coral looked up. “See that?” She asked, pointing. “I love the birds and this blue sky. There is as much beauty above the water as below. I love coming up to see it.”

Glaucus looked up and around, and Coral felt him open his heart to understanding. She saw the smile in his eyes as he noticed, for the first time, the blue skies and one fluffy white cloud floating by. “You are right, Dear One. It is beautiful.”

Glaucus seemed to hesitate, then he reached to caress Coral’s arm as he spoke. “I’m sorry I shouted. So, very sorry, and I ask you to forgive me. It’s just that I am so afraid when you come to the surface. These humans are vile creatures. If they saw you, they would capture you and put you on display to gawk at you. Or maybe cut you up to study. Who knows what they may think to do should they capture you. I was just afraid…of losing you.”

Coral’s heart melted. “All is forgiven, my love.” She said softly. “You must forgive me as well, for my stubbornness. You are right, there is danger in coming to the surface, but I can’t stay away. I do promise to be more careful.”

Glaucus nodded, “yes, you are forgiven,” he smiled. “And if I can’t keep you away from up here, I suppose I will just have to join you on your excursions.”

They embraced and kissed, bringing their lover’s tiff to an end. Their laughter was the sound of waves lapping against the shore as a school of fish played tag nearby, just beneath the surface of the frothy blue sea. ©Laura Lawless (Lady Hawke)

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