Saturday, June 16, 2012



Brother Nightwolf. You said something that just clicked with me.

One of the prophecies predicts that the waters would turn red. The Blood of the mother is within her veins and she is bleeding, oil, liquid blood money. I have watched for the signs of the wisdom keepers and now I know that it is time to go to higher grounds, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Now's the time to lift the veil and use our minds to create change. All things are created first through our thoughts. Thoughts are living things, and when your minds and spirits come together, power becomes divine. I can now see, the next step I need to take.

Thank You! -Donna Weinheimer (June 2, 2010)

"The major point of human existence is to complete love. God as a spiritual vertical being cannot occupy spherical love alone. The appearance of man and woman usher the realm of horizontal love in the physical realm. Vertical and horizontal together create the multidimensional experience to fulfill love.

There are mysteries, yet reality shows that God lost His beloved in the onset of human history. Love was to have God alone as the vertical subject. Angelic and human violation of divine intention bore the fruit of arrogant love that uses others for self-sake.

Marriage can vibrate at the frequency of divine rapture when centered on the divine = natural = your joy is my indulgence, causing the Lord to say where in the hell have you been? My son, my daughter I love you, thank you for honoring my beautiful love.

When man and woman master the blueprint of original love, each couple can quote James Brown,
"so nice, dat dat, so nice, I got you dat dat dat dat dat dat dat dat dat....YEAHHHHHHHH"

Adruma Victoria (December 30, 2010)

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