Saturday, July 21, 2012


"At risk of sounding like a kill joy, I would like to add, that there is a danger in laying your burden down in front of something bigger than you. I would suggest a more pro-active approach of sovereignty and personal power. An action of facing that burden and becoming bigger than it, in your own eyes, and letting it know, that as your own creation you can minimize its impact and free yourself from the difficult situation this burden tends to present. By doing it that way, I feel we all can be even more powerful and more able to create situations that will support us in the long run. It takes a major paradigm shift to stop dropping the ball in someone else's court thus giving them a burden they did not create. Prayers often have these indicators of take this from me, Lord, rather than, I created what I feel about this therefore I can recreate what I feel about this and move forward. In the 39th Hexagram of the I Ching it speaks of how much of what we see as burdensome, obstacles and difficulties has to do with our perceptions of what we are experiencing along with a host of things that impact on our perceptions, such as stress, diet, lack of sleep, etc. So let's take the bull by the horn and see not a way to give our burdens away, but see a way to lessen or even eliminate them out of our own accord, our own creation." - Nana Baakan Agyiriwah 

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