Saturday, July 7, 2012


The deep and long legacy of fears the Europeans carried with them to the Americas needs more attention than causes. Causes are worthwhile, but the strange nature of Western causes exacerbates the problems. The resistance to do what I call 'root work' supports the frantic efforts to undo established structures of thought centuries old to save animals, and habitat from the unchecked ravages of a beast that knows no bounds, respects nothing feminine, nor understands sacredness of land, or the language of animals and plants or the Earth, our Mother. Causes do not know how to bridge the gaps between four aspects of human beings. Causes are intellectual endeavors fueled by emotions, but ungoverned by spirit. The body of truth about dysfunctional relationships with all of Creation is the best way to describe funded causes to save this and to save that. It is a spiritual problem of disconnection, contempt, fears, and belief. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

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