Friday, August 10, 2012


Tyra Banks, entrepreneur, former model & TV host

"...thighs of Tyra Banks peep out from a mystery into the consciousness of the widest audience: the whole world. It is inconceivable to grasp the feeling a Tyra Banks must have displaying her life, and body before cameras with an audience so wide! A regular person exposed to small circles of influence has a sense of what it is like by thinking about it, but experiencing it is reserved for a few, a very select few to experience.

What was done to make these few famous? What was lived in past lives? These are important questions to consider, but not in the context of how to become famous. Fame is such a trivial pursuit. It mocks intelligence the seeking fame. Why? Because the search often, in this culture, of the baser things of life leads to where lurks nefarious characters who need to feed off of trivia, the vain, the empty." - Gregory E. Woods

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