Friday, September 7, 2012



Someday I too will die too. When we are young we do not think too much about death. But as we get older, we worry more and more about death. This is because it is a door that are inevitably destined to cross. But what happens to us after death? Do you know why I'm talking about death? To better teach the meaning of life. Who truly understands the value of life? There 
are people who cling to life by all means. The person who really knows life is one that goes into the valley of death. Is the person giving testimony of the sense of life desperately crying out to Heaven at the crossroads of life and death. Why do people fear death? Because they do not know the purpose for which they were born. If you do not know why you are born, will not know the reason for the death. For this reason, the first questions that philosophers do is: what is life? Why are we born? 

If we think about it deeply, we will realize that death makes us reborn within the love of God. In the world people lamented, "Oh no, I'm dying!, What I can do?" in the midst of a major scandal. Does God laughs when we die? Or think God laments also sunk with grief? The truth is that he is happy, and this is because the time of death of the physical body is when we experience the joy of abandoning a finite dimension of love to get into an infinite dimension of love. It is time for our second birth. So when God feels happier, the day we are born in the physical world or the day that we left off? That's the moment we are born for the second time in a dimension where love expands infinitely. We become His new children through death. Therefore, God is happy with our second birth. I say all this because they need to know they can not have a relationship with God unless we overcome the fear of death.

Sun Myung Moon, the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity

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