Tuesday, September 11, 2012


on January 21, 2012
Samantha Gutstadt


“It is an impossible assertion to claim the attack on the US in 2001 changed the country and the world for the better. It neither smells nor feels good to wrap up sentimentality with a series of lies, and false hopes of revenge like a cowboy in a 1930’s movie out to save the white girl. In these times with cyberspace free, and unencumbered telling the story, the truth, and a global rise of developed intelligence ascending beyond American’s childish whining about what they did to us, and our ‘we are victims’ lament. 9/11 is being seen for what it is: an attack on an ideology, and a worldview that has hurt and conquered for a long time.

If bringing peace to the world was an American objective in 2000 the nation could have sat with the other nations petitioning for world peace. Sitting with other nations to negotiate for peaceful solutions during our time of relative peace wasn’t the American, or the White House agenda. President Bush, at the time, did not respect the process, and made that very clear. The first weeks after the attack the opportunity for restoration, and resolution and peace action were ripe and in the open. The wrong president was in office without the prerequisite skills to lead beyond fear mongering, or the heart and ability of a Peace Keeper. He and the nation could not see deeply into the moment with an historical grasp of the subjects arising in the smoke beyond numbing fears, and gut reactions. 

Fire has to burn, but with the right Fire Keeper fire becomes a healing element. A warring beast and a raging man have to fight, and in our culture the United States has to fight. 9/11 is more a testament to that fact than anything else.” – Gregory E. Woods 

actress and producer Samantha Gutstadt
on September 10, 2010

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