Saturday, October 13, 2012


from the photo galleries of  La Bioguia

Some people have a talent
For creating Sacred Space;
Where others feel the comfort,
Natural safety they embrace.
Welcomed by the openness,
Where no judgements reside,
The implicit trust of feeling
In a heart that's opened wide.
This rare living treasure
Is a confidant and friend,
Whose honor is impeccable,
On whose word we can depend.
This person is a Wisdom Keeper
Who defends every Sacred Space,
Through loyalty and acceptance,
The remembered gifts of gentle.

One of the greatest gifts of Wisdom Keeper, the Clan Mother of the Second Moon Cycle, to humankind is the understanding of nonthreatening, safe space. Learning to honor the truth has many ways to teach us about authentic friendship. When we create a safe space for others, we have tapped the Remembering, which teaches us that the external safe space we can create for others reflects our internal safe space, which has eliminated negative judgements. Is it time to look at someone you know who has these gifts and use that person as your role model? 

from EARTH MEDICINE: ancestors ways of harmony for many moons by  Jamie Sams (p.33)

La Bioguia

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