Sunday, January 13, 2013


It takes a breast for a child to know it's mother and it takes a mother for a child to know its father. - Motherland Proverb

Mother making cassava.

Introducing African spirituality into a Christian home is often tantamount to introducing the devil to your daughters. That is a hard thing to say, but it is too common an occurrence.
I lived in Africa when I was younger. Returning to the States and getting married was hard, and became harder when I spoke about deeply exposing my children to specific African spiritual practices. My first wife and the church we attended rose up against me. It was hard. It would have been easier had I been able to take Renee to the places I lived, and gently let her feel the marketplace first, and the country side and the city later.  - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories

father and son

This proverb provides a deep insight into the chasm between the powers of mother's and father's perceptions of themselves and their roles.- Gregory E. Woods 

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