Sunday, April 14, 2013

small picture of small people


Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III

Children suffer when parents permit 'baby mama drama or baby daddy drama' to fester in raising their children. Children are a gift from God and don't need the hot mess. Check this out - children are a reflection of what they see, hear, and observe. In other words, if they only see drama, guess what - a drama child will grow up to be a drama adult. But if the child doesn't see it or experience it, the greater your child grows up living drama free. - Rev. Grey III 3.2.13

"You won't get a lot of Amens for this, Sinclair. It is true what you say. It is a mirror teaching for men like me. I am talking to a cousin of mine about this very subject, but on a higher scale that average people shrink from. You've said these things, but 'we' caution ourselves as we evolve to be mindful of the majority of people unwilling to be pushed into the higher reaches of the mind, the spirit and any endeavor such as raising children." - Alowan Chanteh Inyan Wichasha 3.3.13

the photography of
Maggie McKenny

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