Thursday, May 23, 2013

Reasonable Faith

Dr-Sinclair N. Grey III

Reason looks at the situation, but faith looks at the Savior. Reason looks at the problem but faith looks at the Problem-Solver. Reason argues about what can't be done, but faith shouts, 'all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me.' Reason wants you angry, sad, and depressed, but faith encourages you to be happy, joyful, and high-spirited. I declare to you, if you operate under faith and trust in God, doors will be opened." -   

Gregory E. Woods

What if your reason wrestles with the incongruity of faith? Incongruous is the lack of harmony or agreement of parts; inappropriate. There are agreements made in the Christian faith out of sync with the balance needed to sustain life on Earth, for example, or relationships between one person and another. There are many examples in our own lives before we examine our common 'faith' history that makes life very difficult. Unexamined faith, like an unexamined life is it worth living? 5.2.13

art - Sacred Woman & her drum

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