Monday, July 29, 2013


Debbie Shadoe White 

My biggest memory of the 60's was when I was 8 yrs. old. I was sitting on the floor watching the funeral of Dr. M.L.King.I sat thinking how great a man he must be that all the famous people were at his funeral. As I sat I heard my mother, who had been cooking in the kitchen come over and stand behind me.We both watched. I heard something so I turned and looked up into her face. There she stood with tears coming down her face quietly weeping. I wondered who was this man that although she didn't not know him she still cried over his death. I never asked her why she cried I just understood that he must have been great. - Debbie 2.9.11

All from Patricia Smith's vault of knowledge:

Oklahoma City 1958 sit-ins Katz Drug Store & Honoring Clara Luper

WOOLWORTH lunch counter - Greensboro, NC - Febuary 2, 1960


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