Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tools of the Trade

I entered adulthood with the sense that maturity led the way I interacted with my toys, people, and any advancement in any technology was not possible without the prerequisite maturity that adds value to whatever one is utilizing in an endeavor, or in the manifestation of a dream. Machines are tools as viable as stalking is important to a hunter's skill. Tools that take over one's life and ability to engage life as a warrior tell the story of our weakness. Tools that help balance the internal elements that we are learning to master are tools subordinate to our will, and purpose. The relationship is wrong if the tools dominate us. When this happens we have willingly entered into the agreements between master and slave. 

Tools, of the intangible and the tangible sort, come from creation born of the creativity the Creator gave to us all to enjoy living. Not to be in bondage is the soul inspiration of revolutions, the spark of genius in spiritual revitalization movements throughout history, and at the core of the ministries and lives of Jesus, the Buddha, the Prophet Mohammed, Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Russell Means, Vine DeLoria Jr., many of our parents, and others to numerous to name! 

If the current technology is taking over people's lives the questions to freedom can be summed up easily in one phrase. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 10.11.13

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