Friday, October 18, 2013

where i'm from


... on the star world I come from this is the way mornings began and ended. There was a pause, a long pause between each part of each day. The pause was darkness. It wasn't the scary thing you'd imagine. It felt settling. For the short period of the pauses during a day all activity ceased and people and beast slipped into a kind of stupor. After each pause dew settled on everything. As the new light birthed itself people and beast took a little time to rejuvenate.

The strangest part of the ritual was during lovemaking, and the hunt. Given the nature of posture, passion, and the urgency each act contributed to the turning of world events something pure and mysterious happened to the participants engaged in sex and war of any sort. They died into the act, the moment, and for a brief time existed between planes of existence in a gentle form of wind…” © Gregory E. Woods 10.18.12

Fisher Photography

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