Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ON our backs they'll build....

from  the galleries of Lil Kim
November 5, 2012 

That is an odd statement to make, "Obama, I got your back!" It reflects a lack; lack of understanding how much was lost and gained by Obama being president. There are many good things his presidency has given us, but the blank check given to the banks without consequences to do anything to the populace has further crippled the economy, and continued a legacy set up by previous administrations. The question to the individual is what can you or have you done to undo this sin? It is weird that there are 8 million unfilled jobs, for example, and 47 million unemployed people in the United States. The math is gross and illogical, but it is somehow accepted by too many as OK. 

My question is how do you have the President's back when you (we) should be in his face? Are we calling him on the inconsistencies of national policies? Are we actively engaged in the process of change at any level? Those are some of the questions asked by responsible citizens. Blind faith is not only inappropriate in religious matters, it is dishonest in business and politics. There are many things to think about, but chiefly we should be thinking about our generations to come, and how our present lives form their future lives. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 12.17.13

L'il Kim onstage! 

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