Thursday, May 22, 2014


Sophia Loren in Rome at a Carlo Ponti tribute Dec. 12, 2011

"Sophistication is not the pretense of maturity beyond one's years. A sophisticated woman has done more. She has looked within, and become a force of her nature despite, or because of her beauty, and beyond the expectation of normalcy has inspired other women to exceed themselves, and shelve the idea of being the 'weaker vessel'. She has been diplomatic and bold enough to become and insist upon becoming a Woman moving through each phase of life to be beautiful for who is important, and impeccable for what purpose is deep within her spheres of influence. This becomes a form of divinity.

This is what my mother taught me. This is what I perceived from women around me, and what was conveyed in Hollywood when Sophia Loren, and Eartha Kitt, and their peers were making movies, and shaping ideals around the context of women's stories in men's worlds." - Gregory E. Woods 4.2.13

beautiful legs of
Maitrieya Sandness

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