Tuesday, July 29, 2014


April 5, 2013
Spanish seduction dress

You'd think it would be the logical option, but the notion of freedom is defeated and defended by people's fears of not being bound.  This paradox lives in so many contradicting the notion of freedom and the tenets of faith espoused by so many. Freedom and love are actions. Fear and illogical belief patterns are drawings made by spirits housed in bodies sung to by slave songs. The bodies of knowledge that support freedom are often not seen for what they really are because of the slave songs sung to the notion of being free! 

This being said Elders and the Wise Ones continually find ways to re-tell stories of power to the uninitiated, the fearful, and the dull, and ignorant people whose personal stories hold them bound and tethered. 

It is words such as yours, Elder Vicki Johnson, "Chose freedom, even if it's inconvenient  and makes other people uncomfortable. You always have the option to chose freedom for yourself..." that points one's steps towards freeing their mind, spirit, and soul. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 4.16.13

sculptor Vinnie Bagwell
April 16, 2013

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