Monday, November 24, 2014

Strength of a MAN

water birth

What is a MAN in the context of freedom, conversation, and the controversy of sexuality?

The strength of a man in his woman is the strength of a man. The strength of a man from his mother is a pillar of his manhood. The strength and powers of a man gleaned from his father and given by training and initiation plunges him deep into the essence of masculinity, strength, manhood, parenting, care, and a command of his sexual energies that create life, and restore life. The strength of a man from his children is the return, the reciprocity of love. The strength of a man from his grandparents is the introductory motions of his ancestors speaking about who they are, who they were, and what can become of potential in the present to be stored in the fruit of a man's loins. 

Love is the core of manhood, and masculinity is the expression of a man to women, his woman and children, and a return to Creation and the Goddess of the scent, the fragrance of the subtleties of being strong, and vital, and composed with truth, compositions of love and divine energies that again create Life. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of the Drum 5.7.13

Tigran Tsitoghdzyan's Art

Gregory & his granddaughter Erin-Elaine the first time together. We recognized each other!

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