Sunday, March 29, 2015


Gillian Alexander is the founder and holder of
 Founder and Holder of Sacred Space at Sacred Touch


For most of my 30's I had a deep yearning for death as I felt it would free me. But I had a stronger connection to my son and that was the thread that bound me to life. In the past few years I have developed a deep love for life.

Because I have explored my relationship with death in such depth I do not fear it. It is this that frees me; my letting go of that ultimate fear.Gillian Alexander, March 7, 2012

"I just found a message in my Facebook spam message folder from the sister of the woman whose photo this is - I actually saw it from someone else's photos, so it seems to be doing the rounds, unfortunately, because it was meant to be held in a private folder." - Gillian Alexander 6.16.12


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