Saturday, August 1, 2015

Unstuck Yourself !

Wisdom Keys

1. What you can tolerate you cannot change.

"If you can live with $6 an hour you'll never make 7. We only change when there is a threat of loss. Endurance creates longevity. You can only change when you hate the present. You must hate the present to qualify for the future."

2. What you respect you will attract.

"What you don't respect will remove away from you. Respect is different from love. To respect something you find value. In the body of Christ we respect healing, but we don't respect health. Whatever you don't have is something you have not valued. Whatever is missing in your life is something you have not truly valued. Respect is the invisible attitude God permits you to adopt to become equal with any human on Earth."

READ: "The Millionaire Next Door"

You can only learn from someone you admire. Protégés want what's in our heart and what you've learned.

3. What you make happen for others God will make happen for you.

4. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.

"Two forces: creativity, which births and structure which sustains. If you ever tasted the rewards of ritual it'll blow you away. If you fail with your life it'll be because of something because of something that happened daily. Men don't decide their future they decide their habits. Habits create their future. If you succeed it'll be because of a habit. Successful men do daily what unsuccessful men do occasionally."

5. Your rewards in life are decided by the kinds of problems you are willing to solve for others.

"You salary is not based on your worth. Your salary is decided by the kind of problem you decided to solve with your life. Money is not a mystery. Money is merely a reward for solving a problem. When you see someone without a lot of money they're either not solving the problem God created for them to solve, their solving it for the wrong person or with the wrong attitude. If you solve the problem closest to you that's your door out of trouble that's your door out of trouble. Solve it cheerfully. Solve it with excellence because you'll only be remembered in life for two things: the problems you solve and the problems you create."

6. If you insist on taking something God did not give you, he will take back something he gave you.

"Within six weeks that money enters circulation that new money has the traces of cocaine and every known disease. People become ill handling money.

7. An uncommon seed will always create an uncommon harvest.

"A seed is anything that creates more and has value like love, obedience, or patience. Something in your hand will create something in your future. If you give someone something they can't find elsewhere they'll come back to you.

Dr. Mike Murdock (June 7, 2015)

Now, I admit to a serious problem with white ministers. It is rooted in history. But, every now and again I wake up in my basement with the TV on and a white minister I know nothing about is on the air speaking words I need. This is how I came across this message. 

I sat up from what I thought a dream and realized the words I was hearing were from this preacher and had substance. Thank God for DVR's. I was able to pause a lot and write down key points of his sermon that mornning. May any of it be of good to you. 

- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 8.1.15 

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