Friday, October 30, 2015

A Mystery Teaching Us

God's Power Is Greater Than Your Problem
Rev. Dr. Sinclair Grey III 

God can make anything that appears impossible a reality. In other words, what may not make sense to you or seem logical in your sight isn't a problem for Almighty God. I need to say that again. With God, all things are possible because nothing is bigger than God and nothing is too difficult for our God to handle. All you have to do is be obedient to His will and trust Him without doubting. 

The Bible tells us when Abraham and Sarah had surpassed their biological years of having a child that God stepped in and reversed what seemed impossible. How so? Because God promised them a child. As you and I know, when God promises, He delivers. Through God's omnipotence, "The Lord dealt with Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him." Please don't miss this. Never doubt God. Never question His love for you. And never think your situation is too difficult for Him.


The lesson of Sarah and Abraham extends into the realms of sexual potency. It is a deep undertaking into the restorative powers of sex, and the resurrection principles sexual energies. It isn't the easiest thing for me to put into English, but being 100 years old Abraham's life force has a significance in its symbolism. I am outside of the lexicon of canon law teaching into the mysticism of thought, action and purpose attempting to explain it. .

First of all we are thinking and thought needs to know it has a beginning. Beyond that where this teaching comes from the archetype within this story is the unthinkable life-death, abstract principle of all that is and all that is not. This the where the beat and the pulse of life-death-resurrection is projected into temporal continuity. This is a battle, a struggle not forever going on, but constantly in motion within the life of the body. It lived in Sarah and Abraham as it does in us all.

Sarah and Abraham came together as promised and their sex was born again into a light and a source of everlasting power not because Sarah was an extraordinary lover, but she and her husband were recipients of particular power(s). Abraham in covenant relationship with his death, and Sarah deeply embroiled in the mysterious aspect of blood and water exalted the principle of life-death beyond the simple understanding of 'in the beginning' tied themselves together and every aspect of Creation acted through their projection against itself and became cosmically deathless.

They destroyed illusion. - Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 11.18.13

Cosetta Chantal
May 10, 2013

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