Monday, January 11, 2016

Political Powers: Dr. King Spiritual Powers: Jim Brown

"Jim Brown was the first person I knew who understood and internaized esoteric knowledge (Quantum Physics) as he worked the game. It was a deep teaching and a powerful act of power while not being aware of what he was actually practicing in the game against those white boys in the early 1960's!"
- Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories 1.4.16

Jim Brown running for the Cleveland Browns in early 1960's.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his cleric robes.

"This means, at bottom, that true religion is a two-way road. On the one hand it seeks to change the souls of men, and thereby unite them with God; on the other hand it seeks to change the environmental conditions of men so that the soul will have a chance after it is changed. Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them, and the social conditions that cripple them, is a spiritually moribund religion in need of new blood." ~ Martin Luther King Jr.


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