Monday, March 14, 2016


Wealthiest women, eight of them, were featured today in a short article today. Why is that important? Because women's perception of themselves is encased in inferiority and the impossibility of asserting themselves above a station in life submissive to the needs and expectations of men. But, that is financial power the article is weighing. Not that financial power is a negative, I should point out, it is the non-emphasis on spiritual power that falters within the estimation of what a woman is in today's cultural circus.

Women carry their wombs with ignorance and indifference and contempt in many instances of their wombs. It is an edict from the terror of religions defined by the men they serve who hold stories and the monopoly over the stories of womanhood. I am thinking of this for many reasons some of which I have written about in this blog. There is a series hidden within this blog, "The Sacred Whore series". I don't contribute much to the subject online out of wisdom and knowing the state of women's senses of who they are. It is dangerous.

But, today. This moment. This morning I am honoring a rare woman I saw in the subway yesterday. She was a tall, slim and young Black woman. She wore jeans, stood erect and her elegance was embedded in her lofty air of thought, the sepia tone of her skin, her natural hair short cropped and a tattoo design peeking out from her jeans' cuff and encircling her left ankle. That was a show stopper, but she was gentle in a sacred beauty because she was caressing her womb.

Her action is rare. It is rare amongst American women, and amongst Black American women even less.

Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories
March 14, 2016


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