Sunday, August 7, 2016

Historical facts. . .

Govăjdia blast furnace in Transylvania, Romania photo taken 27-11-2015

Govăjdia blast furnace in Transylvania, Romania

In the Transylvania region of Romania, the village of Govăjdia was once the home of one of Europe’s largest blast furnaces. Built at the dawn of the 19th century, the furnace was so efficient that it produced far more cast iron than there was demand for, and consequently it sat idle for extended periods.

For the rest of the century, the furnace would go through periods of heavy use and then fall into decline. And though some of the iron produced here was used in the Eiffel Tower, the Govăjdia blast furnace closed for good in 1924. It’s now an abandoned structure, a tangible and (we think) rather beautiful reminder of the industrial age. ~ author and photographer unknown.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that such occurred in Romania. Would like to know more. I will look around the internet.
