Sunday, September 10, 2017

Whispers in the Air.

Mystery and mysterious things weave through our lives the way serpents like to be present, but invisible. Choosing to see is choosing to believe. The choice made to believe leads one soul away from mere faith towards the depths of knowing and another remains moored in the mire of mere faith only believing, never doing.

Finding a serpent is hard. Being found by a serpent requires no effort at all. All we have is presence to be felt, presence to be perceived, and the presence of the Unknown to know who we are and how we fit serpentine of spirit into the heavy, wet underbrush in any forested area on earth.

These mysterious things women bring to the forefront of men's limited ability to grasp the connections between the vulva, water and the movements of a woman intertwined through sex with a man's soul. ~ Gregory E. Woods, Keeper of Stories Jan. 15, 2017

The body of this Black woman in an orange Peplum Bodycon dress well above her knees is a wonder. It is impossible not to look hard and wonder about who she may be, who she is to Life, and what is in her face.
- Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories
December 2016

The focused penetration of the eyes measures, exacts a toll, offends dishonesty, and demands a touch soul to soul worthy of woman's station in her life... - Dawn Wolf, Keeper of Stories 12.21.16

The Erotic Witch. Eyem Yahminraah the Spiritual Temptress introducing herself with love and respect for the spiritual works.

African-American Wiccans 

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